Indian mint
Indian Mint is a family of tropical herbal in Indonesia, which has been used since ancient times. These tropical plants are spread evenly throughout the Indonesian archipelago. In Indonesia, each region has their own way in consuming this plant.
Scientific Name
Binomial Name: Coleus amboinicus/ Coleus comocus Hassk
Family: Lamiaceae
Indian Mint (Coleus amboinicus) can be found in almost all regions of Indonesia with a different name.
In North Sumatra, this herbs plant is known as Bangun-bangun or Torbangun. While in the Sunda region, Bangun-bangun known as Ajeran or Acerang, in the area of Java known as Cat leaves, leaf Goats in Madura, and Majha Nereng.
In the area of Bali known as Iwak and in eastern Indonesia known as Kunu Etu.
This tropical herbal is found in North Sumatra and used as a companion of rice to be eaten, as a soup.
Research conducted by Sihombing (2006) which gives the leaf of this tropical plant to mice have shown that these herbal plants contain iron and are high in carotenoids.
FeSO4 concentration on leaf shapes (Coleus amboinicus) can count as non-heme sources of iron for breast-feeding mothers.
Leaf shapes have soft features reinforced, jointed, circular, with a diameter of about 15 mm, the middle and ends about 10 mm ± 5 mm, can berkembang- multiply easily.
The leaves are still fresh-sized thick, dark green, and both leaf surfaces slippery.
Indian Mint leaves (Coleus amboinicus) is a plant that is widely consumed by mothers after childbirth in the Toba, North Sumatra.
The leaves of this tropical plant are used as drug fever, diuretic, swelling, pain, stomach pain, rheumatism, diaforetik. Meanwhile, the stem can be overcome fever and inflammation of the mucus membranes. These herbs are believed to increase milk production.
This plant also has efficacy as an antipyretic, analgesic, wound medicine, cough medicine, and thrush.
Essential oils from leaves Wake-wake than as an antiseptic turned out to have high activity against worm infections. In addition to essential oils, leaves Wake-wake also contains saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols.