Binomial name: Foeniculum vulgare-Mill
Family: Umbelliferae
This herbal plants characterized by the form of an annual herb, height of plants can reach 1-2m with a lot of branch, stems grooved. Have a pinnate leaves, oval to triangular with 3 dm long, yellow colored flowers form like a large of umbrellas. In one large umbrella there are 15-40 small umbrellas, the umbrella stem length 1-6
cm. This herbs have a Flower with a length from 3.5 to 4 mm. In each seed
There lies the oil tubes are located alternately. At a young age fennel seed colored green to yellow-green and yellow to brown at the time of harvest.
cm. This herbs have a Flower with a length from 3.5 to 4 mm. In each seed
There lies the oil tubes are located alternately. At a young age fennel seed colored green to yellow-green and yellow to brown at the time of harvest.
As a herbs fennel can be used as an antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic
(facilitator of urine), expectorant (thinning phlegm), laxative, stimulant (stimulant), and a remedy against stomachache. Tje little roots of this plant are boiled as a vegetable that can be used as medicine to cure cough (sputum facilitator). Fennel is also used as a drug to stimulate breast milk (facilitator milk), as a cure colic and used to improve the taste of other drugs.
(facilitator of urine), expectorant (thinning phlegm), laxative, stimulant (stimulant), and a remedy against stomachache. Tje little roots of this plant are boiled as a vegetable that can be used as medicine to cure cough (sputum facilitator). Fennel is also used as a drug to stimulate breast milk (facilitator milk), as a cure colic and used to improve the taste of other drugs.
Fennel essential oil and oleoresin can be used to scent soaps, creams, perfumes and alcoholic beverages. Chinese herbal medicines are also use fennel as a medicine of grastroenteritis, hernia, indigestion, abdominal disorders, reducing mucus and stimulates milk production. It have been reported that fennel essential oils can stimulate improvements in the mice liver and also as an antibacterial. For women's health, it can be used as suplementary food to increase milk production, and also can facilitate menstruation, and increase esterogen hormone so that fennel can also slow down the menopause. Fennel can also be used as the traditional therapy of prostate cancer.